HelpDesk is PHP system crafted using the PHP (Laravel) and MySQL. allows you easily to keep you with your client with giving them a strong customer service and drastically improve your customer’s experience , Clients can search for Articles that added by admin or staff at the Knowledge center also we provided the system with a great real-time notification system to give your clients a great experience of care.
- Bootstrap 4
- Built with Laravel 5.8.x
- Real-time notification system with sound effects
- Mail Notifications
- Advanced Phone number selection with auto-detect country
- 3 different types of User Role
- Answered, Pending, Closed & Solved Status for Tickets
- Secure attachments and full management of attached files in tickets
- Elegant and simple design
- Admin & User Profile
- Powerful Admin Panel
- Fully functional Dashboard
- Font Awesome Icons
- Unimited Support Tickets
- Unlimited Departments
- Unlimited Staff Members
- Unlimited Clients Members
- 100% Responsive for Mobile
- Advanced Ticket Search
- Different User Profile
- Members can change their name, email and all info
- Upload Avatar
- Secure encrypted password hashing
- 24/7 Advance Support.
- Well documented
Demo URL : http://helpdesk.hossamelshahawi.com/login
- Admin Username: [email protected]
- Admin Pass: 12345678
- Staff Username: [email protected]
- Staff Pass: 12345678
- Client Username: [email protected]
- Client Pass: 12345678
- Some features are disabled on our Demo in Live Preview